1 year intensive program

Miftaah Seekers

عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ، قَالَ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏ "‏ مَنْ سَلَكَ طَرِيقًا يَلْتَمِسُ فِيهِ عِلْمًا
سَهَّلَ اللَّهُ لَهُ طَرِيقًا إِلَى الْجَنَّةِ ‏"‏ ‏.‏ قَالَ أَبُو عِيسَى هَذَا حَدِيثٌ حَسَنٌ ‏.‏
Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2646

Narrated by Abu Hurairah: That the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: "Whoever takes a path upon which to obtain knowledge, Allah makes the path to Paradise easy for him."

Sign Up for 2025

Across this country many Muslims desire to learn and enlighten themselves with the knowledge of the Quran and Arabic language. For this reason, Miftaah launched a one-year Intensive Arabic and Islamic Studies Program so that Muslims may have the opportunity to educate themselves in the sciences of their religion. Students may begin this program with minimal experience beyond the ability to read and write Arabic and by the end, students grow to understand the Quran as well as other classical and contemporary Arabic texts. The course will cover all parts of the Arabic language by studying Nahw, Sarf, and Grammar using the lens of the Holy Quran and the sayings of our Prophet SAW. Students will also develop a comprehensive understanding of Islamic law and religious thought.

Arabic and Islamic Studies Program

The goal is to provide students the ability to navigate Arabic text on their own and provide sound academic knowledge. Therefore, the seekers' program offers four courses in Arabic and four courses in Islamic Studies every day.


Arabic Conversation

Course Length: 2 Semesters
Text Used: Duroos-ul-Lughat-il-Arabiyyah by Dr. V Abdul Rahim

The course aims to reinforce many of the concepts learned in Introduction to Arabic Grammar and Morphology, increase students’ vocabulary, and introduce them to new grammatical forms. The class focuses on providing students with a firm grasp of phraseology that is common to both spoken and written speech. This includes a thorough review of Arabic possessive, descriptive, vocative, and indicative phrases. The course also covers how gender is used in Arabic and the full range of Arabic subjective, objective, and possessive pronouns. Preparation for class and homework are essential so that students may devote in-class time to communicating in the language rather than "talking about” the language. Upon completion, students will be able to formulate basic sentences and speak Arabic on a beginner’s level.

Arabic Morphology

Course Length: 2 Semesters
Text Used: Miftaah Arabic Grammar & Morphology 101, 201

This course provides students with a necessary base understanding of how Arabic root letters are conjugated to create different words. By the end of the course, students will know how to conjugate verbs in various tenses, determine base letters from non-base letters, and identify verbal patterns that convey information about the number, gender, and voice of the subject of a sentence. Students will also be able to identify the usage of verbs in the Qur'an.

Arabic Grammar

Course Length: 2 Semesters
Text Used: Miftaah Arabic Grammar & Morphology 101, 201

This course consists of a systematic study of Arabic syntax and parallels the material learnt in Arabic Morphology. The comprehensive text used in this course covers the various classifications of different types of sentences and the different components of a sentence’s anatomy. It provides a basic but detailed understanding of the Arabic case system, and discusses how Arabic nouns respond to prepositions and verbs in accordance with the role the noun plays in the sentence.  At the end of this course, students will gain a firm grasp of constructing and dissecting Arabic sentences, as well as complete understanding of the properties of a noun.

Arabic Literature

Course Length: 2 Semesters
Text Used: Qasas Un Nabiyyeen

This course gives students a chance to develop their Arabic comprehension skills. The class uses various Arabic text to provide students with a challenging but manageable reading experience. These texts gradually introduce more complicated and varied grammar and vocabulary as the semester goes on. Therefore, each text becomes like a step towards higher level Arabic comprehension for the student. This class gives students the skill and confidence to begin digesting some of the most difficult and important works of the Islamic intellectual tradition.

Islamic Studies

Quran Exegesis (Juz Amma)

Course Length: 2 Semesters
Text Used: Miftaah Quranic Exegesis: Juz Amma

This course allows students to try their hand at applying the grammatical concepts learnt in other courses to analyze and interpret Islamic primary sources. The course methodically guides students through the last Juz’ of the Qur’an and gives students experience translating the uniquely dynamic and engaging style of the Qur’an’s Arabic into English. Along with simple translation, students will learn to recognize and appreciate the thematic coherence between verses and chapters, the deeper meanings of Arabic words, grammatical nuances, the historical context of the revelation of various ayahs, and Qur’anic commentary based on Hadith and the authoritative interpretations of the recognized exegetes of the first generations of Islam. Students are also encouraged to develop and discuss personal reflections on the Qur’anic text and lessons for their contemporary times.

Prophetic Biography (Seerah)

Course Length: 2 Semesters
Text Used: Miftaah Sirah al-Nabawiya

Students will cover the events which occurred in the life of the Prophet SAW from his birth to the end of his life. The purpose of this course is to provide insight into the mannerisms, ethics, teachings, and examples of prophetic life. Seerah contributes to the holistic understanding of other sciences such as hadith and Quranic sciences, by adding a layer of context. Students explore the Prophetic interactions with society, religion, and many facets of his life that contribute to better understanding and loving him (S). Students will explore the challenges which the Prophet SAW faced and how he and his companions dealt with them.

Purification of the Heart

Course Length: 2 Semesters
Text Used: Selection’s from Al-Ghazal's Ihyaa Ulum Al-Din, Ayuhal Wald by Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali, Kitabul Arba'in Fi Usulil Deen by Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali

The heart is the most crucial part of the body and is directly connected to one’s soul. This Purification of the Heart (Tazkiyah) course will read and reflect on texts by Imam Ghazali. This course will explore the self in detail, from the diseases of the heart to the plots of shaytan and the concept of Tazkiyah. The objective of these readings is to train the student of knowledge by helping them learn practical tools to purify their hearts and build a stronger relationship with Allah SWT.

Etiquettes of a Seeker

Course Length: 2 Semesters
Text Used: Etiquettes of a Seeker

One scholar states "Etiquettes have to do with how you are externally and internally". In this course, the instructor outlines the ways in which one develops their etiquettes in the pursuit of knowledge.Imam Al-Bukhari’s Sahih is well known, however he has also written a dedicated work on mannerisms titled Al-Adab Al-Mufrad.

In this class, we will focus on a select number of ahadith of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم from this monumental work that will help us grow in our spiritual development through perfecting our character.

Sacred Foundation: 40 Hadith of Imam Nawawi

Course Length: Fall Semester
Text Used: Miftaah 's 40 Hadith of Imam Nawawi

This class is an introduction to the comprehension of primary religious sources in their original language and forms the basis of one’s ability to interpret, analyze, and apply Islam’s holy texts. Using the concise and to the point sayings of God’s Messenger (pbuh) collected in the classical text The 40 Hadith of Imam Nawawi, students will begin to utilize concepts learned in their morphology and syntax classes to understand the Prophet’s (pbuh) words. A discussion of the grammar and vocabulary included in each hadeeth will be accompanied by a lesson on the hadeeth’s meaning and a discussion of its application in our place and time.

Islamic Science of Quran (Uloom ul-Quran)

Course Length: Fall Semester
Text Used: An Introduction to the Sciences of the Qur'an by Sh. Furhan Zubairi

The knowledge of Ulum al-Quran, or ‘The Sciences of the Qur’an’ deals with the knowledge of those sciences that have a direct bearing on the recitation, history, understanding and implementation of the Qur’an. Students will learn the causes of revelation the knowledge of Makki and Madani revelations (asbab an-nuzul), the knowledge of the various forms (ahruf) it was revealed in, the understanding of its abrogated rulings and verses (nasikh wal-mansukh), the knowledge of the various classifications of its verses (muhkam and mutashabih, ‘am and khas, mutlaq and muqqayad, etc.) and the knowledge of its interpretation (tafsir).

Islamic Science of Hadith (Uloom ul-Hadith)

Course Length: Fall Semester
Text Used: Introduction to Hadith Studies by Sh. Furhan Zubairi

This course introduces the student to the mustalah al-hadith. Classification of a hadith is based upon the chain of narration, context, strength of the narrators, number of narrators, etc. This course covers the very basic definitions pertaining to the classification of the hadith. The student will be able to comprehend the basic and common terminology used to classify hadith upon completing this course.

Prophetic Description (Sham'ail)

Course Length: Fall Semester
Text Used: Miftaah PPT and Notes

Imam al-Tirmidhi's Al-Shama’il al-Muhammadiyya contains 414 Hadith that together present a detailed description of the moral, physical and spiritual qualities of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

This course is designed to give you the following:
Deep knowledge of the character, behavior, and personal qualities of Allah's Messenger ﷺ.
Understanding of why knowledge of the character of the Prophet ﷺ is central for all areas of the religion.
Enriched appreciation for the world and the worldview of the Companions رضي الله عنهم and the Early Generations of Muslims.
Renewed and strengthened love for Allah's Messenger ﷺ, knowledge of him, and desire to see him in this life and the next.

Introduction to Islamic Jurisprudence

Course Length: Fall and Winter Semester
Text Used: Fiqh ul Muyassar

This course introduces students to the rulings regarding the five pillars of Islam: the declaration of faith (Shahādah) and ritual prayer (Salāh), paying of ilms (Zakkat), fasting (Sawm) and Hajj. The latter includes a study of ritual purification (Tahārah). The course introduces relevant Islamic theological concepts and covers topics that include the meaning of jurisprudence (Fiqh), rulings related to ritual prayer, the etiquette of supplication, and the spiritual dimensions of worship. The course primarily focused on the rulings and understandings of the Hanafi school of thought, but gives reference to differences of opinion amongst the schools.

Principles of Fiqh

Course Length: Winter Semester
Text Used: Miftaah PPT and Notes

Principles of Islamic jurisprudence, also known as uṣūl al-fiqh are traditional methodological principles used in Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh) for deriving the rulings of Islamic law. The traditional theory of Islamic jurisprudence elaborates how the scriptures (Quran and hadith) should be interpreted from the standpoint of linguistics and rhetoric. The course reviews the methods for establishing the authenticity of hadith and for determining when the legal force of a scriptural passage is abrogated by a passage revealed at a later date. An exposition of the methods by which the rules of Fiqh are deduced, covering the sources for Islamic law, rules of interpretation, commands and prohibitions, the consensus of opinion, and abrogation.

Islamic Theology

Course Length: Winter Semester
Text Used: Al-Aqida Al-Tahawiyya by Imam Abu Ja'far al-Tahawi

A clear and concise representation of the creed of the Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah in relation to Allah Most High, His divine attributes, His books, His messengers, His angels, the Day of Judgment, destiny, and life after death will be presented to the student. Covering the most basic tenets with selected commentary, the course will address contemporary issues in detail. Essentially, the course will cover material which all Muslims need to know, believe and inwardly understand with respect to Islamic creed.

Principles of Marriage and Finance

Course Length: Winter Semester
Text Used: The Marriage Handbook by Mufti Aasim Rashid and The Money Handbook by Mufti Aasim Rashid

This course covers the marriage proposal, the dower, the announcing of the wedding, feast, the rights of the husband and wife, many contemporary issues and some evil customs that have crept into the marriage ceremonies and feasts throughout the Muslim world. Conclusions are consistent with the Quran and Sunnah and not biased toward any school or culture.

There are many questions we have as it pertains to finance in our day and age. What does Islam say about money? What is the role of currency? Can we invest in stocks? All these questions and more will be answered this course.

What You’ll Learn

Foundational knowledge of the principles of Islam.
The tools needed to navigate the basic tenets of faith.
Practical insight into living the theoretical principles of faith.
Ability to seek out and understand Islamic Studies resources.

Who Should Enroll

Our program is designed for anyone who:
Yearns for intellectual & spiritual growth
Can dedicate themselves to studying the foundations of the religion
Aims to become a Community leader or Youth leader
Aspires to be an Islamic Scholar
Seeks a Career in Religious Studies


I was looking for a program in my gap year where I would benefit as much as possible. I was deciding between the associates program and seekers, and I decided to sacrifice outside activities to spend this year studying the deen full time. It was the best decision I ever made and I definitely got what I wanted from the program, and MORE!
Kareem Oulabi (Class of 2023)


The seekers program changed my life. I cannot recommend it enough. After a year here, I feel that I am a new person. I have a new perspective on life, the way I handle hardships, and the way I view the deen. Coming from out of state was daunting at first, but Miftaah knows how to make you feel welcome into the community. I understand so much more of the Quran, I feel more connected in prayer, but most of all I have a deeper connection with the Prophet SAW and Allah subhana was ta'ala.
Virginia, USA (Class of 2023)

program schedule

August 25, 2025 - June 5, 2026

Monday - Friday

9 AM - 4 PM

Experience the Miftaah campus

Private and Group Study Pods
Miftaah Café
Lounge Area
Free Wifi
Free Parking
Free Breakfast Provided
Free Lunch Provided

Download Program Catalog

Not ready to enroll but want to learn more? Download the program catalog to review program details.



What payment options are available?

Tuition payments may be made per semester or on a monthly basis.

Is the Miftaah Seekers Program open for High School Students?

The program is open to students that are 17 and older. Students that have completed High School and are available to dedicate a full-time schedule may apply.

What is the program schedule?

Classes will be held Monday - Friday from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM EST.

Will there be an online option?

No, the Miftaah Seekers Program will be only available onsite.

Will there be food accommodations?

Miftaah will provide free breakfast and lunch accommodations for students. Dinner will not be included.

Will there be lodging accommodations?

Yes, Miftaah will assist in supporting students in lodging accommodations.

I am a beginner in Arabic. Is this class suitable for me?

Yes absolutely, our Arabic curriculum was designed and taught for beginners learning the language of Arabic.

Are scholarships available?

Yes, scholarships are available upon request. Please fill out the Scholarship Request Form at https://miftaah.org/scholarship to receive a scholarship.

What is the seekers degree equivalent too?

The Seekers Program is equivalent to 1 - 2 year of a traditional aalimiyah program.

When are the semester breaks?

Semester breaks are Thanksgiving (1 Week), Winter Break (3 Weeks in December) and Ramadan + Eid Break (5 Weeks).

What can I do with my Seekers Certificate?

The Seekers Certificate and transcript will not count towards degrees in Higher Education in the United States. However, Islamic institutes and seminaries will recognize courses taken at Miftaah Institute. Course credits may be transferred to another Islamic institutes.